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Call for Entries 

The Cowgirl Gathering Art Show 2023

Invitational and Open Call

Hosted by Cowgirl Artists of America

The 3rd annual Cowgirl Gathering Art Show and Sale will be open to the public from May 12-14th with an optional Quick Draw Event.

Entry Details

Call Open
Feb 15th-March 15th
$25 for first piece, 50% off additional two pieces
CGA Members get your discount code from the Member Space (retroactive discounts not available)

Artists ages 18+ are invited to submit work for consideration for The Cowgirl Gathering Art Show and Sale.

Categories accepted in 2-d and 3-d Media: 

Painting, drawing, photography, printmaking, collage, mixed media, glass, fiber, sculpture, digital painting, digital collage, hand fabricated works in precious metal (including jewelry, buckles, boxes.)

Some restrictions apply, see below.

Apply at: https://cowgirl-gathering-2023...

Judging Criteria

  • Artists are to present up to 3 pieces for consideration in the show. All works must be available for sale.
  • Attention will be paid to:

    • Initial impression 
    • Composition and Design 
    • Technical Execution 
    • Attracts and holds attention 
    • Aesthetic quality

  • All styles are welcome, no preference will be given for traditional or contemporary work. Keep in mind this is a western show, and works should represent the genre, which includes landscapes, wildlife, farm and ranch scenes, horses and cattle, etc.
  • Work is accepted based on the juror’s scores and the space available. We prefer artists who are able to attend, and this is a consideration but not a disqualifying factor. Final curatorial decisions are reserved for The Cowgirl Gathering and Cowgirl Artists of America.
  • Artists may be tempted to enter Paint Horse themed art due to the location of this show. These works are not given special consideration. However, due to the location and the simultaneous PBR event the Quick Draw event will be paint horse or bull themed.


  • Best in Show award based on jury scores, featured on The Cowgirl Gathering and CGA™ instagram feed and website. $1000 and ¼ page ad in Art of the West Magazine
  • Honorable Mention award based on jury scores, featured on The Cowgirl Gathering and CGA™ instagram feed and website. $500 and ⅙ page ad in Art of the West Magazine
  • People’s Choice award based on votes by visitors, announced on the final day of the show. Featured on The Cowgirl Gathering and CGA™ instagram feed and website. ⅙ page ad in Art of the West Magazine.
  • All exhibited works will be offered for sale by The Cowgirl Gathering for the duration of the show.
  • ​All submissions will be considered to be featured on social media and podcast interviews.​


Denice Erway | Gallery Owner

Denice Erway exudes a love for life. When you step inside her Wildfire Gallery on Paseo you immediately feel that energy. Growing up in Oklahoma her time was split between showing her Quarter Horse and her involvement with all things art! These two passions can be seen in the Contemporary Western Art she curates. Denice feels that the career of gallerist is a dream come true. “Bringing great art and great people together is now my life’s work, and I love it! “

Application Requirements


Up to 3 works may be submitted per application. One application per artist. 

MEDIUM and Size 

Oil, Acrylic, Watercolor and Gouache, graphite, colored pencil, oil pastel, soft pastel, photography, printmaking, collage, mixed media, glass, fiber, sculpture, digital painting, digital collage, precious metals.

*2-d work should not exceed 48 inches framed on any side. When submitting work, list the framed size if the work is framed.

*3-d work should not exceed 36 inches in any direction.

*Definition of terms:
Photography- Film or digital photography with the intent to capture what is actually seen or manipulation thereof is done primarily in camera, or basic adjustments done in post production. Images that contain multiple photos taken with different lenses and stitched together, or an image that is heavily edited in post production to significantly add, take away, or distort what was seen goes in the digital collage/digital mixed media category. 

Digital Collage/mixed media- Digital work that combines multiple images or types of digital work. For example a photograph that has been manipulated to look like a painting or a photograph that has drawn elements added to it.

Digital Painting- a digital painting does not use a photograph in the work itself. That means all elements are drawn/painted by hand. Photo manipulation is not part of the work.


Original work only. Works created referencing another artist's photographs are allowed as long as you have the express permission of the photographer to use their photo for your work. 

With the exception of printmaking, photography, sculpture and digital work reproductions/prints are not allowed. In the case of printmaking, photography, and digital work the print must be part of a limited edition, no open edition works accepted. All prints must be signed and numbered.

For works in precious metal all aspects must be hand-forged and hand-engraved.

There are no limits based on year made, but artwork should be indicative of your current style.

*No AI work in any form (niether in part, nor or in whole) is accepted. By applying to this show you are agreeing not to submit AI generated work. If you submit work that is in part or in whole AI generated, you agree to pay a $5000 breach of contract fee. By submitting your application you agree to this term.


Works on stretched canvas must be framed or have neatly finished sides. Artwork that is not finished neatly will not be accepted. 

Works on paper must be framed and matted. 

Photographs and digital paintings must be printed on high quality, fine art paper; no canvas, metal, wood, etc.. If photography is part of a collage or mixed media piece, nontraditional printing surfaces are allowed. 

All 2-d work must have a wire hanger.

Artwork is assessed upon arrival. Work that is not finished neatly and does not follow the above rules will not be placed in the show.


For 2-D works submit the following for each work:

  • One tightly-cropped image of the work (full image, no frame, glass, or background) If the frame is a part of the actual artwork, include the frame in your image.
  • One framed (if applicable)- one additional photo of the work with the frame.

    * Special note for PHOTOGRAPHERS and/or DIGITAL ARTISTS: Unless you have physical framed prints on hand, you may send only your head-on image and a mock-up of what your work can look like once printed and framed. Once accepted you will need to print, frame, and mat your image according to the mockup.
  • One image showing a side of your artwork.

For 3-D works and precious metal submit the following for each work:

  • 3 to 4 images from different angles. These should give the judge a good idea of the quality and craftsmanship of the piece as a whole. Please photograph with non-distracting backgrounds in a professional manner. What you submit will be what is seen in the online gallery if accepted.

Technical Notes:

  • Files must be 10 MB or less jpg files
  • No specific file name requirements


Artwork submitted for consideration must be a minimum of $300.


  • Standard terms are a 60/40 split (60% of sale funds going to the artist).
  • Participating artists must reserve accepted pieces for the show. Any work sold after the show, as a direct result of the show, is subject to the 60/40 split.


Delivery of artwork is Monday, May 8th 10:00-4:30, Tuesday May 9th 10:00-4:30, and Wednesday May 10th 10AM- 11AM at the APHA headquarters, located at 122 E Exchange Ave Suite 420, Fort Worth, TX 76164

In some situations shipping may be available. Shipping both ways is paid for by the artist. Shipped artwork must be fully insured, and include a return shipping label if the artist will not be able to pick up unsold work. 

Artwork that needs return shipping must include a return shipping label. **Wall-hangable artwork that needs return shipping must be shipped using an art shipping box that hinges open and is supported with foam such as the ones found at or
**Shipped artwork that needs return shipping but does not follow this protocol will become the property of Cowgirl Artists of America.

Artwork must be picked up between 5:00 PM- 6:00 PM Sunday, May 14th and 10AM-3PM Monday May 15th. Artwork not picked up during this time (unless being shipped) will become the property of Cowgirl Artists of America. Sometimes alternative arrangements can be made but these must be made in writing and agreed to by all parties in advance. 

Important Dates

Application Deadline: March 15th, 2023

All application materials must be submitted by March 15th. Fees will not be refunded for incomplete applications.

Jury Process: March 17th-23rd

Acceptance Notifications: April 1st

Acceptance status will be sent to all applicants.

Signed Contract Due: April 7th

Delivery of work: May 8-10th

Opening Reception May 12 (5PM-8PM)

Show Open: May 12-14 

Quick Draw: May 13-14

Pick up work: May 14th 5 PM-6PM and May 15th 10AM-3PM

Payments sent by June 14th.

Location: APHA headquarters, located at 122 E Exchange Ave Suite 420, Fort Worth, TX 76164

Quick Draw

Artists participating in the show may also take part in the Quick Draw competition. 

Since the Quick Draw takes place on the sidewalk (weather permitting) it is a great way to make contacts, be seen, and direct people to the exhibition. The Quick Draw will take place Saturday and Sunday May 13th and 14th*, with participating artists rotating through shifts. Artists will have 6 hours to complete their work, but may start their work (up to 20%) beforehand. 

More details to be announced.
Quick Draw Slots will be available on May 12th as well.

Artist Agreements

If accepted, artists must sign and return the artist agreement by April 7th.